How To Rebuild Hope in Hayti
Being an integral part of the land, Hayti encompasses everything—from its minerals and invaluable historical worth to its spirits and character—all of which require enhancement in every industrial pursuit. The most enduring societies are those that carefully and selectively integrate both new and old technologies so that they:
Foster sustainable development and economic empowerment,
- Elevate the standard of living,
- Decrease the cost of living,
- Enhance environmental quality,
- Expand freedom of choice, and
- Promote accountability and transparency.
The high-tech environment created will assist in computerization of public and private institutions. Each Ministry students will gain proficiency in each and, at the same time become candidates for employment and economic empowerment.
If your funding source is the USAID, WORLD BANK, or similar agencies, a fundamental problem arises. Although these agencies strive to promote care and compliance, frequently, those chosen to represent them display a superiority complex and a lack of accountability. Those who receive funding, seemingly on behalf of the people, often overlook the fact that intermittent costs eventually impose a burden on the land’s inhabitants.The devaluation of the Haitian currency to accommodate interest rates perpetuates this dependency on companies with specific interests. The Central Bank faces constraints in producing currency for infrastructure development and government manpower support.
While these terms may initially seem unfamiliar, they serve as a starting point for research and offer a solution. Sovereignty is crucial, coupled with leveraging anything related to commerce, and a strong moral compass. The Awaken Foundation is committed to creating possibilities for those who decide to break free from their routine and habits of slavery. It begins with gaining control over family, community, and wealth, requiring a sound mind and moral strength rooted in Ecclesiastical and Mosaic LAW. These principles form the basics, and one can either choose a leader with these qualities or actively be part of the solution, steering towards resolution.